A unique corporate social investment opportunity

The Careers by Colour web-based app empowers learners and out of school youth who do not have access to formal career guidance services, due to financial or other reasons, the opportunity to make informed career decisions. The app presents a highly visible and sustainable corporate social investment opportunity. Sponsors can purchase any number of vouchers for use in communities of their choice and will receive a full report with the user profile, demographics and statistics.

The use of innovative career services such as Careers by Colour apps can have a meaningful impact on education and also generate tangible social advantages for disadvantaged communities. It will help to address the imbalance between skills shortages in certain employment categories and the growing pool of unemployed young people. The app will furthermore sensitise learners about entrepreneurship and the new world of work and career options in, for example, the 4th Industrial Revolution which offers exciting opportunities in areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3D printing, Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Contact us

Current sponsors

Maudie de Wit

+27 82 770 6161


Tok Grobler

+27 82 375 0200


Copyright © 2021